Audrey Vaina started to learn oriental dance in 2009 in Rome, Italy, with Perla Elias Nemer and was part of her «Amirat» troupe. Later on, she intensively studied folklore technique with Saad Ismail, and oriental technique with Valentina Mahira.
Upon her return to France, eager to learn as much as possible, she signed up to Djamila Henni... Chebra’s class for classical technique and participated in many festivals and professional seminars to discover different styles and teachers. She decided to put all her efforts into learning and deepening her knowledge about Egyptian style and she met Farida Seidi and Momo Kadous. That's when her dance apprenticeship took her a step further. After hard work and constant training with her two teachers, in France and in Germany, she managed to improve her style and technique. As a will to remain faithful to the Egyptian culture she travels very often to Egypt to participate in festivals, to take private classes and to discover the culture.
In 2013, after a complete year of hard work in Germany (one weekend every month) she obtained the Momo Kadous Certificate for teaching oriental dance. She continues to travel there to study privately with him once a month and completes her style with Farida in France, on a weekly basis.
Audrey was the winner of Esquisse d’Orient competition in the amateur category in 2013 and won the 2nd place at Ahlan Wa Sahlan folklore competition in Cairo in 2014.